So yesterday there was a fiber optic cable cut by vandals in Santa Clara in 2 locations.
In our film class we were discussing how it was the beginning of the apocalypse.We stayed there for 20 minutes talking the apocalypse without the TA. so i ended it by standing up, starting a sign in sheet and saying id rather be a sleep when it start raining blood. Now everyone either thinks im an asshole or a douchebag.
aside from that, i never felt so helpless in my life. No phone, no internet, thank god the TV was still working. I felt as if the power was out, i actually thought the power was out but then i realized the Tv worked... yeah ok...
i should blog a little more often, but i just cant seem to make a habit out of it. Anyway thursday, Christopher Lee and i had lunch in the College 8 dining hall and they had something ssmmmmmmeeeecial for us to eat..

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MAC AND CHEESE BITES FROM SONIC

sauce plate. Ranch, BBQ, ketchup, mustard, and of course. SEERACHA

also, i dont really remember too much from last night. but what i do remember, i was on my computer after getting back to my room and an unexpected old face facebook messaged me.

if it wasnt for him, id wouldnt be a lot of things. He is surprisingly insightful despite being a slave to his mathmatical vocabulairty